it is my pleasure to announce the 33rd Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry (DGfZ) with this year´s headline Dimensions of Cytometry, face to face from September 19th to 21st, 2023 in Berlin!
We have designed an exciting scientific program for you, representing cytometric imaging, cutting-edge technologies, mass cytometry, nanotechnology, microbiology, advanced data analysis techniques, and mechanocytometry. We warmly welcome the Danish Society for Cytometry as hosts of this year´s Guest Session.
Please have a closer look at the scientific program – and register to participate! We are looking forward to your abstracts for short talks and posters until June 30th 2023 – and, of course, to a lively exchange within the cytometry community!
I would further like to draw your attention to the Klaus-Goerttler-Preis awarded by the DGfZ every year for excellent theses (usuallly doctoral or master theses) in cytometry. I invite you to apply for the award or to nominate others. The prize is endowed with 1,000 EUR and will be awarded at the 33rd Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry in Berlin. DGfZ membership is not required. The deadline for submitting applications is June 30th 2023.
Don`t forget to sign up for our tutorials and our NEW „Meeting Point Cytometry – First Time Attendee and New Member Welcome Orientation“. Both will take place already on September 18th, in advance to the conference – please plan our stay accordingly.
On behalf of the society, I am looking forward to welcome you to Berlin!
Henrik Mei
German Society for Cytometry